Why You Should Shop at Your Local Farmers Market


Where do you buy your produce, eggs, meat, and honey? Do you go to Vons, Ralphs, Food for Less, or do you purchase your groceries from your local farmers’ market? Personally, I love my local farmers’ market so here are a few reasons why shopping at your own farmers’ market may be a better option for you, your local environment, and your local economy.


1.   Locally Grown

         San Diego County has 5,732 small-scale farms, the largest number compared to any other city in the nation. Small farms have a difficult time competing in the food marketplace against national food chains. Purchasing directly from the farmer gives them a fighting chance against the large food corporations. Plus, buying local reduces transportation costs, supporting the environment. More than not, when buying from a local farmer, your food is guaranteed to be fresher.

2.   Seasonal

When purchasing food at your grocery store, it’s often unclear which foods are in season. At your local farmers’ market, there is no guessing. All the farmers’ foods are seasonally fresh in your specific region. Buying seasonally helps us reconnect to our natural cycles, and eating fruits and vegetables at their peak ripeness enhances their flavor and nutrient density.

3.   Reduces Waste

Going to the market with your tote in hand, gives you the perfect opportunity to help reduce waste by bringing your own bags and jars. Cotton bags work well for items like avocados, carrots, and potatoes, while jars are better for more delicate produce like berries. The vendors always appreciate both reducing waste and expenses because they can reuse the plastic containers and bags. Buying without plastic helps us to rethink our economic relationship with nature and our local farmers.

4.   Organic

Much of the food sold at your local farmers’ market is pesticide-free, herbicide-free, fungicide-free, and non-GMO. Growing techniques without the use of harmful chemicals minimize the negative impact on the Earth and on us. But, the best part is you can talk personally with your farmer about how they grow the fresh chemical-free food you eat. Typically, you cannot do this at your local food chain.

5.   Super Fun

         You can bring your family, friends, even your dog to your local farmers’ market. The market is an excellent place to enjoy time together while shopping for your weekly groceries. All the children and families, the music and sunshine, the farmer pride and smiles make grocery shopping a lot of fun.

Shopping at your local farmers’ market helps raise awareness about local farms, seasonal food, reducing waste, and organic food. Plus, it’s fun too, positively transforming your life and our environment. Through visiting the farmers’ market, you develop a personal relationship with each of the local farmers that grow the food you eat daily. When preparing and eating nutrient-dense, locally-grown fresh food, you contribute to your health, your environment, and your local economy.

Link below to all San Diego farmers’ markets.

“San Diego County Agriculture Facts.” San Diego County Agriculture :: San Diego Farm Bureau, https://www.sdfarmbureau.org/SD-Ag/Ag-Facts.php